Computer Network Security Info Tech Services Group

IT Services and computer network security provided by InfoTech Services Group Inc.

What Is Computer Network Security?

Computer network security is comprised of the policies, processes, and practices that are used to prevent, detect, and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification or denial of computer networks and other network-accessible resources. Network security is also known as Cybersecurity. For businesses, a network administrator controls network security and one aspect of network security is the authorization of data access. The network administrator can assign users an ID and password, or any other authentication information that will allow them to access information and programs.

Types Of Network Security

Computer network security (Cybersecurity) also refers to a range of public and private computer networks that are used for everyday tasks such as transactions and communication between individuals, businesses, and government agencies. Private networks can exist within a company or other networks that are open to the public. Organizations, enterprises, as well as other institutions, all have to be concerned with network security. A proper computer network security system protects the computer network and also oversees operations. One method for protecting network resources is implemented by giving the resource unique name and a password.

What Are The Basic Steps For Computer Network Security

Network security begins with authentication. Typically, this involves a username and password. One-factor authentication is often used because it only requires one element to authenticate the user name, i.e. the password. Two-factor authentication allows the user to use something they ‘have’ (e.g. a security token, a ‘dongle’ or an ATM card or a mobile device); while three-factor authentication allows the user to use something they ‘are’ (e.g. a fingerprint scan or retinal scan).

After authentication, firewalls enforce access policies that limit the number of services that can be accessed by network users. Although the firewall is effective in preventing unauthorized access, it may not be able to detect potentially dangerous content like computer worms and Trojans being transmitted over a network. An intrusion prevention system (IPS), or anti-virus software, can detect and block the actions of malware.

A network intrusion detection system that is anomaly-based may also monitor traffic. This data may be logged for audit purposes or for high-level analysis later. Modern systems that combine unsupervised machine learning and full network traffic analysis to detect active network attackers can be used to identify malicious insiders and external attackers who have compromised user accounts or machines. To protect privacy and security, communication between hosts that use a network can be encrypted.

What Is A Honeypot?

Honeypots are decoy network-accessible resources that can be used to monitor and warn of potential threats. They cannot normally be accessed for legitimate purposes. The honeypots are placed in a network at a vulnerable point, yet they can be isolated and monitored.

Attackers who attempt to compromise these decoy resource are examined during and after the attack in order to monitor new exploit techniques. This analysis can be used to strengthen the security of the honeypot’s network. An attacker can be directed away from legitimate servers by a honeypot. Honeypots encourage attackers to focus their energy and time on the honeypot, while diverting their attention from the data on a real server.

What Are The Two Main Types Of Network Attacks?

Malicious sources can attack networks. Two types of attacks can occur: Passive when an attacker intercepts data flowing through the network; and active when an intruder initiates commands that disrupt the normal operation of the network or conduct reconnaissance and other lateral movements in order to gain access to network assets.

What Is A Computer Virus?

A computer virus is a computer program that replicates itself through modification of other programs and inserting its code. The computer virus is a metaphor that comes from biological viruses.

A host program is usually required to combat computer viruses. The virus inserts its code into the host software. The virus code is executed first when the program runs. This causes infection and damages. Because it is an independent program, or code chunk, a computer worm doesn’t need a host. It is therefore not limited by the host program and can operate independently to carry out attacks.

To infect the system and spread the virus, virus writers employ social engineering techniques and exploit security vulnerabilities. The vast majority of viruses target systems running Microsoft Windows, employing a variety of mechanisms to infect new hosts, and often using complex anti-detection/stealth strategies to evade antivirus software.

There are many reasons to create viruses. These include the desire to make money (e.g. with ransomware), to send a political message or to have fun. They may also want to show that software has vulnerabilities. Each year, computer viruses cause economic damage worth billions of dollars.

Computer viruses can infect many subsystems of host computers as well as software. You can classify viruses by analyzing whether they are in binary executables, such as .EXE and .COM files, data files (such Microsoft Word documents or pdf files), or the boot sector on the host’s hard disk (or a combination of both).

When executed, a memory-resident virus (or “resident virus”) is installed as part of the operating systems. It remains in RAM until the computer is turned off. Resident viruses can overwrite interrupt handling codes or other functions. When the operating system attempts access to the target file, or disk sector, the virus code intercepts the request and redirects it to the replication module.

The replication module results in an “infection” on the target. A non-memory resident virus, or “nonresident virus”, on the other hand, scans the target’s disk and infects them before exiting (i.e. It does not stay in memory after the execution.

Common applications like Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook allow macro programs to embed in emails or documents so that they can be automatically run when the document opens. A macro virus, also known as “document virus”, is a virus written in a macro language that is embedded in documents. The virus code executes when the file is opened and can infect users’ computers.

Dangerous Email Attachments

It is dangerous to open suspicious or unexpected attachments in e mails. Although it is a good idea to not open attachments in e mails from unknown people or organizations, there are times when the virus appears to have been sent by a trusted organization (e.g. major banks or credit card companies).

Boot sector viruses target the boot sector, and/or Master Boot Record (MBR) of the host’s hard drive, solid-state drive or removable storage media (flash disks, floppy disks etc.).

Can A Computer Virus Be Transmitted Via Flash Drive?

Yes. Physical media is the most common method of transmitting computer viruses to boot sector. The infected USB flash drive or floppy drive will transmit data to the computer and modify or replace the boot code. When a user attempts to restart the desktop, the virus loads and runs as part of the master Boot Record.

What Are Email Viruses?

Email viruses are viruses that use the email system to spread their virus. Although virus-infected files can be sent to email as attachments, email viruses know how the email system works. They usually target a particular type of email system (Microsoft Outlook being the most popular), and can harvest email addresses from multiple sources.

How Can I Prevent Computer Network Viruses?

If you are a business owner, organization or business department manager, the best method for removing and preventing harmful computer viruses is to hire a professional Cybersecurity company, like InfoTech Services Group Inc. We have 30+ years of experience, skills, and the right software to prevent damage to your computer system. Call us at (877)724-8781 so we can get started as your Computer Network Security company.

More References Sources

You can find out more about Network Security and Computer Viruses at the InfoTech Services Cybersecurity and Network Security page.

InfoTech Services Group, Inc.
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Venice, CA 90291

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